The ldlewild Community Development Corporation is a non-profit 501(c)3 entity developed to nurture and develop community capacity for Idlewild residents and the Yates Township community.

We seek to inform the world about the contributions of the Idlewild community while promoting successful opportunities and improving the quality of life for our region's citizens. 

Proposed Project Areas

We are striving to collaborate and come together through Cooperative Partnerships. Some of our focus areas include:

Economic  development

Discover Idlewild, Michigan's untapped potential and be a part of our community's economic transformation. ICDC is focused on revitalizing our infrastructure, supporting local businesses, and promoting sustainable tourism. By investing in these key areas, we're committed to fostering growth, creating opportunities, and preserving the unique heritage that makes Idlewild truly special.


Idlewild is nestled amidst stunning natural landscapes and boasts seasonal outdoor activity opportunities, from hiking and fishing to boating and wildlife spotting. ICDC is committed to hosting unique activities to keep residents and visitors enjoying all that the community has to offer. Feel free to unleash your inner explorer and immerse yourself in the beauty and excitement that Idlewild has to offer for a memorable and rejuvenating getaway.  

Health and Wellness

Our resident’s well-being is a top priority. ICDC organizes a range of health and wellness activities for our youth and older residents. From aerobic and stretching classes in serene settings or wellness pop-up workshops and community fitness events located on Williams Island, we're dedicated to promoting a balanced and vibrant lifestyle. Join us in nurturing your physical and mental health while fostering a strong sense of community.

Heritage, Arts, and Culture

Immerse yourself in the rich heritage, arts, and cultural history of Idlewild, Michigan, as we proudly present diverse events for residents and visitors alike. From engaging art exhibitions that celebrate local talent to heritage festivals that pay homage to our storied past, there's something for everyone to enjoy. ICDC has organized the annual Boat Regatta, winter coat, and food drives, that help to celebrate and provide services that sustain and move Idlewild forward now and into the future.


Take a deep dive into the captivating history of this iconic town through guided heritage tours, interactive exhibits, or strike up a conversation while taking a stroll around the lakes of Idlewild.  ICDC encourages everyone to engage with local historians and community members who are dedicated to preserving the legacy of Idlewild, to help them gain a deeper understanding of its significance in African American culture and entertainment. Whether you're a resident or a curious visitor, these experiences provide a unique chance to connect with history and appreciate the profound impact of Idlewild's heritage.